Dark Spirits
About Me


Family Photo's
Book Of Bones
Anti-Britney Spears
About Me

Animated Ringing Phone

Here's more than you probably want to know about me... But ANYWAYZ...

My name is Laura Huet, I am 14 years old and I was born september 5th, 1987. I am 5'3 (YES, I grew an inch...) with light brown shoulder length hair. My favorite colors are red and black and my fave animal is the penguin, I have a collection of em!! When school starts I'll be a freshman...Im scared! I am Atheist, but dont hate me or tell me to go to hell. I dont even believe in hell! When Im bored I run. An even tho I dont even like it, i can do up to 8 miles without stopping.. My best friends are Lisa Pawlik (Bird..hehehe!) and Kellie Baker. I have other friends, but I cant be arsed to name them all.  I know some french, ummm Im not smart and Im going to summer school someday soon. Im probably gonna be an anthropologist when im older, since im into that "creepy" dead stuff that everyone is against. I'd rather do something with the so called "talent" that people say I have.  I'd love to become part of a choir that does the background vocals (singing) in movies and video games. But I dunno, Im prolly not good enough. 
I have 4 medals and 1 plaque on my wall for solo singing and I entered in region choir tryouts on january 26th AND ONLY 2 GIRLS (me and steph) MADE IT INTO THE BEST CHOIR!  and whats even cooler is I made 4th chair out of like 200! Aren't ya proud of me? *claps for me*.  Music is like my life, I've liked listening to it and singing since I was small, and if you dont already know, I sing 24/7 (ask me bro or sis). I sing alot infront of judges and groups of people (talent show, pop show, school stuff ect.) My two fave bands are Slipknot and Korn. Some of the oither bands I listen to are  Linkin Park, Disturbed, Greenday, Cold, Marilyn Manson, SOAD, Disturbed, coal chamber, POD, Mushroomhead, Static-x, Drowning Pool and Adema. They all ROCK!! Anywayz....I hope you like my site! oh and a luuuuv it when people sign my guestbook! *hint hint* lol
**UPDATE** my hair is now a redish purplish color! woooweeee

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Some advice...

click the spinning thingy to watch MUSIC VIDEOS!!! no, im not kidding! you can watch almost every single music video that is available by going to the site. Its so awsome. Its kinda confusing when you first go to it, but you'l get the hang of it. Go on, CLICK IT! you know you want to.......

A truck; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Some things that I hate....

1. The smell of body odor. Once you get a wiff of it, your nose is in agonizing pain for the next 20 minutes

MOSQUITOS!!! omg I swear on everything I have they are EVIL!!!! They have no point of living and im always the victim of their ruthless crimes!! ahhhh

3. Brainless people wondering why everyone, including me, is turning Atheist

4. Being short(er than everyone else...)

5. Its your birthday, your wearing your best outfit, you've awoken 30 minutes early to do your hair in the most perfect way only to get to school and find out your running 2 miles in gym, which happens to be your first class

6. When you have two people talking at you at once. very annoying

7. Bob loves you. You love Bob. Jake loves you. You love Jake. The choice is bitter, and critical. And worse of all, you cant choose

8. Last day of school, 8th period, 2:25. you've got 5 minutes until schools out for 11 weeks! those last 5 minutes feel like hell.

I hate the smell of grass. I have no idea why, but it smells so disgusting

10. When your talking to somebody, and everytime you get into a good topic, they keep changing the subject to something incredibly boring

11. I hate it when guys wear light blue colored jeans that are tapered at the bottom...

13. Braces. Yes, I am the victim of vicious dentisty work

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I took a personality disorder test and well, decide for yourself....

Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High
Dependent:Very High

I took the time and interviewed myself, it was so much fun! I posted it all here for your enjoyment...

Whats ur favorite TV show?
"ummm Dissmissed and Eastenders"

Whats ur Favorite Movie?
 "Well I really liked What Lies Beneath and Green Mile, I guess those will do"

What are ur favorite Bands?
 "without a doubt Slipknot and KoRn. Their the Bestest!!"

What are ur favorite Songs?
 "I really d0nt realLy have a FaVe song, but I really liKe (Sic) and EyeLesS" 

Whats the best love song? 
"would have to be 'One sweet day' by Mariah Carey cuz it has a special meaning to me"

Whats ur Favorite sport?
 "well...im not a big fan of sports really..." 

Whats ur Favorite football Team?
"well besides the fact that football sucks, it would be the Rams cuz it has Kurt on it (wooooweee)"

Who's ur favorite Athelete?
"it would have to be *drools* Kurt Warner! He's the  quarterback on the Rams ya know!"

Whats ur favorite Food? 
"ahhhh COOKIE Dough!!!" 

Who are ur best Friends?
"Candace Calvo, Lisa pawlik and Kellie Baker. Kellie lives far away, I miss her so so so much!!" 

Who do u most admire?
"my history teacher Ms Rogers. And dont even attempt to ask me cuz its a long story..."
What sort of things do you enjoy learning about? 
 "I really love the medieval era in Europe, especially the ways they tortured people and stuff to do with the dead and crap, I got loads of books on that"
Now tell me, Laura, whats the grossest smell EVER???
"ugh you had to bring this up didn't you?? Pee. Pee. Pee. And more Pee. Its sooooo NASTY SMELLING!!!"
